Listen all you want in the Audible Plus Catalog

Free Trial Audible is a membership service that provides customers with the world’s largest selection of audiobooks as well as podcasts, exclusive originals and more. Your Audible membership is free for 30 days. 
How much does Audible cost?
Plans start at $7.95 per month after free trial. Visit our Plans & Pricing page to learn more


Toloka is a crowdsourcing and microtask site that allows you to earn money by performing simple tasks that require no prior experience. Toloka is owned by Yandex multinational Russian company that deals with internet products which is established in 2014

You don’t need any qualifications and the tasks are very simple that anyone can carry out.

As a worker, will be analyzing internet content and helping the company in identifying things that a robot can’t do, such as Improving search algorithms, Machine learning, Audit and marketing research and Choosing designs and names for new products and services.

Payments are made via PayPal, Skrill, Papara and Payoneer, upon completion of the task. Withdrawing amount, fee and frequency depend on the money platform, e.g. for Payoneer in order to withdraw money the minimum is 20 $. One can earn 1 to 5 $ per day, it all depends on how hard you work.

You can join the platform here